Monday, April 29, 2013

back in the saddle

Friday was my first day back at work from maternity leave. I will be part time for two weeks before the madness of summer. While I missed the boy, it definitely felt good to be in the office working toward a successful summer.

Then I returned today. This morning was rough. After lots of tears from both of us, I finally made it in. Luckily a sweet friend sent these over to me to welcome me back. And someone brought donuts to staff meeting. The day is looking up.

And soon I get to leave and go spend more time with my baby. Good times.

Monday, April 15, 2013

looking back

The other day I decided to take a walk down memory lane and read through my old posts. Fun times. There were some good ones. A few stood out...

Like this one where I planned to make some "art" as a headboard.

Or here where I committed to giving up some TV shows. I have given in and picked a few of those back up (ahem....bachelor......ahem).

So thankful for progress made on this issue but hopeful for more in the near future.

And these words about marriage. I feel them even more strongly now that John and I are responsible for a tiny human.

And the one where I say I'm not that into pinterest. Meanwhile....1,422 pins later...

I think I was planning on making a bunch of lists? I'm not sure...

Coming soon....looking forward.

Monday, April 1, 2013


In the spirit of Easter, I think I may resurrect this space. I have so much added joy. Might as well celebrate it. We shall see how it goes.

Here is my first effort. Happy Easter!