Monday, October 12, 2009

Class of '99

This weekend was my 10 year high school reunion. I was unsure of what to expect but ended up having a great time! For me, it was the perfect balance of spending quality time with my best friends who I miss a lot and catching up with people who I haven't seen in a long time (some in 10 years!). By the way - that's a Red Raider. Whatever that is.

I got to see all of my best friends from high school on Saturday except for one. We missed you Holli! Clarissa is missing from this picture too but I got to see her and her beautiful Zoey.

Gina, Ella & Karyn

And after the reunion I got to spend some QT with my cousins. We definitely had some laughs!

Katie, Juli & Ella

And John was there. He was my trophy husband (and probably knew as many people there as I did) (surprising because he didn't go to school with me).

It does not seem like it's been 10 years. In some ways my life is nowhere near what I expected it to be. But in others it is exactly like I pictured it. I've done a lot in 10 years, but honestly the thoughts leading up to this weekend made me realize how much further I could be pushing my life. I could be doing more; for myself and for others.

Now to turn thoughts into action...

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